Delete car from
Let's remove the entire history of the sold car from the site - photo, mileage, final bid.
Send a request to delete VIN from Autohelperbot, through the application form all vehicle VIN data will be cleaned within 1-5 days.

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Deleting car history from AutoHelperBot: Photo, VIN code, Price

AutoHelperBot is a constantly updated archive of used car auctions from the US and EU markets. If you need to get rid of the VIN code, deleting the car from AutoHelperBot is a must. The AutoHelperBot team scans the Internet daily for used vehicles and archives detailed information about them. They store photographs and all available information about vehicles. So removing the VIN from their site becomes an integral part of ensuring your privacy. Remove Auto VIN code

The AutoHelperBot website typically provides a comprehensive history of each vehicle, including many photographs, specifications, details of damages and damages, final sale price at auctions, as well as the history of all bids and information about previous owners. Deleting car data by VIN code allows you to “erase” all this information so that it no longer falls into the wrong hands.

What threat does such information pose if you do not take care of cleaning a car's VIN code? If you have some data, fraudsters can use it against you. Additionally, before the VIN is cleared, any potential used car buyer will be able to view your vehicle's history on AutoHelperBot if you decide to resell it. In both cases, deleting a car by VIN code will help eliminate this threat.

How to delete a car from AutoHelperBot?

  • Creating an application. To begin the procedure for blocking information about your car, you need to fill out an application. Send the unique 17-digit VIN number of your vehicle to our manager.
  • Payment. Once your application is approved, you will need to pay for erasing photographs of your vehicle and all associated information.
  • Procedure for VIN clearing. After successful payment, we will need 1 to 5 days to completely remove your vehicle's VIN information. Typically, we are able to complete this procedure in just 1-2 days, but exceptions may occur. To block information about your car, we contact the administration of the website directly and request the appropriate service.
  • After completing the process, you will receive a confirmation to your email address.

As you can see, removing photos of a vehicle and its history is a fairly simple process. The owner of a used car only needs to contact Vin Rip and make a small investment. We will do the rest ourselves - deleting information about your car is our profile. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us.